Scenes From Unwritten Novels 1.15

He moved away from the standing table. Adjusted his translation microphone and began to speak.

“On my planet, in the northerly districts from the manors where I am from, we have a ritual.

On the sixth sun-cycle our progenies accept, what you would call…a pet…a tame animal.

They are accountable for its regular daily wants for a further two sun-cycles. At the precise date of the child’s eighth sun-cycle, a ceremony ensues. The child and the tamed animal, alongside the child’s family and village elders enter a holy ground.

In that arena are armaments and a caged beast.

Individually, with each different child we substitute arms. Perchance an axe, poison, sword and even different creatures. Just so the child cannot prepare. The child is then given a choice.

Euthanize the pet yourself. Or have the beast released and fight for yours and its life.”

“Why are you telling us this?” asked Petr.

“I want you to recognize who you are speaking with. For when it was my day, I asked for the beast. While the cage lifted. I tore into my pet with the dagger offered. Threw its carcass to the side diverting the beast. That is when I lunged for it and thrust the weapon in the back of its hulking neck.  So please, continue you with your negotiations.”

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